Feature Film Production
Ffilm Cymru invests in live-action, documentary and animated feature films led by Wales born or based writers, directors and producers. We can help bring your feature film to life.
Our Production Fund combines National Lottery funds delegated via Arts Council of Wales (ACW) and Welsh Government funds delegated via Creative Wales.
We want to put Welsh film on the map by nurturing independent Welsh films, which are unconventional, ambitious, and well-crafted. We particularly want to champion under-represented voices and to push the boundaries of what we know as Welsh film, welcoming co-productions, work in British Sign Language as well as Welsh language projects.
Who can apply?
Applicant teams would usually have a track record in the creative industries and have some experience relevant to the role they intend to take on the project they’re applying with. To apply for this fund, you must
- Have a single feature length film or documentary proposal which is intended for cinema.
- Have Wales born or based talent in the lead writer, producer and/or director role.
- Be able to apply through a company registered and centrally managed in the UK. This company should be led by the producer.
- Have a viable plan for the film to be fully financed within six months.
Please see the Guidelines for our full eligibility criteria. In addition to this, Ffilm Cymru focuses investment on our Film Funding Priorities:
- Welsh filmmakers at an early stage of their careers.
- Films that are led by under-represented filmmakers and/or speak to audiences traditionally underserved by feature film, including Welsh Language film.
- Films with strong artistic value, taking risks on talent, content or form, which the commercial sector would find more difficult to support
- Films that depict Wales and Welsh culture in new and unconventional ways.
How much can I apply for?
Ffilm Cymru can award up to a maximum of £600,000, but most awards will be in the £150,000 - £400,000 range. We cannot fully finance projects and would ordinarily expect our investment not to exceed 50% of your budget.
How do I apply?
- Read the applicable Guidelines.
- Download and complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form.
- Email the completed form to Department Coordinator Ihsana Feldwick: applications@ffilmcymruwales.com
- If your EOI is approved, you will be invited to submit an application form.
What do I need to apply with?
Along with your application form, you will be required to submit the documents detailed in the Application Checklist, including:
- A draft of the script or a long-form treatment if the project is a documentary
- A finance plan
- A budget
- CVs for your core team and an active link to the director’s most relevant previous work
We don’t have strict deadlines for production funding applications, but applications for £50,000 or more will be reviewed at the next available Board meeting, having allowed sufficient time for the application to be reviewed and assessed. The Board meeting dates for our new financial year are currently being determined and will be provided once confirmed.
Ffilm Cymru Wales is closed for applications in December and January. Applications received during this period will therefore not be processed until the 1st February.
Contact Details
Completed applications must be emailed to applications@ffilmcymruwales.com, unless we’ve agreed an alternative form of delivery.
If you have any questions or access requests, please contact:
Kiah Simpson, Production Executive: kiah@ffilmcymruwales.com
Ihsana Feldwick, Department Coordinator: ihsana@ffilmcymruwales.com
Guidelines & Application Forms