Green Cymru Challenge Fund
The Green Cymru Challenge Fund is a partnership between Ffilm Cymru Wales and Clwstwr, which looks at innovative and creative ways to cultivate a sustainable screen sector for Wales.
In 2021, Ffilm Cymru Wales and Clwstwr made available £75,000 in funding to research and develop new ways of working in the film and TV industry, with the aim of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This multidisciplinary innovation fund looked to find solutions to key environmental challenges within the film industry in Wales.
Who could apply?
This was an open funding call for individuals, organisations and collaborations across sectors, including:
- Film, Television and Media
- Academia
- Technology (IT, Software, Electronics and Computer Services)
- Transportation
- Energy and Water
- Waste management
How much could I apply for?
Three projects were awarded up to £25,000 each.
How do I apply?
Applications are now closed.
Timeline & Process
Stage 1: Open for Expressions of Interest (14th July - 20th August 2021)
Ffilm Cymru and Clwstwr opened the funding call via an expression of interest (EOI) stage to individuals, organisations and collaborations across sectors who may have ideas for innovative and creative ways to cultivate a sustainable screen sector for Wales
Stage 2: Challenge Workshops (7th – 9th September 2021)
The EOI applicants were then invited to Challenge workshops, which were online collaborative workshops facilitated by PDR, the international Centre for Design & Research. These were ideas workshops, demonstrating practical ways to reframe environmental challenges, match capabilities to user needs, and generate feasible approaches to Research and Development.
This included a mixture of group activities/tasks, wider discussion, and inspirational talks from industry speakers Michelle Whitehead, BAFTA Albert and Birgit Heidsiek, Green Film Shooting.
Stage 3: Open for Formal Applications (6th September – 1st October 2021)
Following the Challenge Workshops, attendees were invited to submit full applications in more detail.
Stage 4: Projects Awarded (18th – 29th October 2021) and Project Start (1st November 2021)
As world leaders, environmental experts and members of the scientific community gathered in Glasgow for UN Climate Conference COP26, Ffilm Cymru and Clwstwr announced the three innovative environmental projects selected to be developed with support from the Green Cymru Challenge Fund.
Green Cymru Challenge Fund is a Clwstwr R&D project. Clwstwr is an innovation programme for the South Wales screen sector, funded by the Creative Industries Clusters Programme which is part of the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy.