Job Opportunity: Sustainability Manager
We are seeking a new Sustainability Manager to lead our Green Cymru programme - a unique opportunity to support screen sector professionals to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Title: Sustainability Manager
Term: Full-time (Flexible working supported)
Salary: £27-£33k per annum
Deadline: Monday 13th February 2023 at midday
Interviews: week commencing 20th February 2023
Key Responsibilities
- Under our Media Cymru project, working in partnership with UKRI and Cardiff University on the delivery of £600,000 of green innovation funding over three years
- Overseeing the progress of the Screen New Deal Transformational Plan for Wales research led by Albert
- Developing relationships with other organisations and companies working in sustainability and acting as an ambassador for the company to this end
- Supporting the wider Ffilm Cymru team with resources that will help the filmmakers, exhibitors and educators they work with to be more environmentally sustainable
- Managing Ffilm Cymru’s internal environmental monitoring and providing recommendations to support the organisation to achieve its own Net Zero targets.
Skills and Experience
- Strong understanding of zero-carbon obligations and broader environmental policy.
- Prior professional experience of project management, understanding scheduling, budgeting and evaluation
- Experience of research and development and processes
- Good research and organisation skills
- Good communication skills
How to Apply
Unless we’ve agreed an alternate application format with you, you should email a CV and cover letter to Ihsana Feldwick on outlining your availability and clearly illustrating how your experience and skills meets the minimum requirements and the job specification detailed within this pack.
Please submit your application by Midday, Monday 13th February 2023.
Interviews will be held in the week commencing 20th February 2023, either online or in person.
Ffilm Cymru is not a licensed sponsor for VISAs and as such you must already have the Right to Work in the UK to apply for this role.
Access Support and Inclusion
We believe in a sector that works for everyone and we are passionate about broadening access to the screen sector.
We will offer an automatic interview to all candidates who meet our Minimum Requirements for the role and who identify as People of the Global Majority, as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic or as D/deaf, hard-of-hearing, Disabled or neurodiverse.
For applicants with access requirements, for example individuals who are D/deaf, hard-of-hearing, Disabled, neurodiverse, and people with sight loss, support is available to complete an application. Please contact us to let us know how we can help. For example, we can cover the costs of a BSL interpreter for a meeting with us prior to making an application, scribing support for dyslexic applicants, extend the application deadline, or agree alternative formats for applying such as video applications or slide decks. We’ll be guided by you.
Please contact Ihsana Feldwick on to discuss your requirements in advance of making an application.