Eleri Butler

Eleri combines her lifelong passion for cinema and film production with working for over three decades on social justice, equality and human rights, across the public service and the not-for-profit sectors. A Sociology graduate with a housing background, and Masters in Film from Brunel University, Eleri is currently working as a Freelance Consultant supporting public, private and community services with research projects, capacity building, strategy and business planning, systems services and policy implementation, governance, quality assurance and evaluation.
As an experienced senior executive Eleri has led NGOs and Government agencies in Europe and Australia to prevent domestic and sexual violence in local communities. Most recently Eleri led Family Safety Victoria, with responsibility for strategic, policy, service system stewardship and statewide family and sexual violence reforms. Eleri has also recently been CEO of Welsh Women's Aid, works as an Independent Chair of statutory domestic homicide reviews in England and Wales, a Commissioner, board member and adviser, in the areas of children’s rights, violence against women, justice reform, and gender equality.
A proud Welsh woman who grew up in Mid and West Wales, Eleri was delighted to become a Fellow of Cardiff University in 2019, for her work on equality and social justice. Eleri is committed to a thriving and flourishing national film sector, to ensuring filmmakers and cinemas are accessible and meet the needs of young and older people, Black/global majority communities, disabled people, LGBT+ communities, and to maximising the value the Welsh film sector can have for local communities.